Prospect for M-commerce in Vietnam

Prospect for M-commerce in Vietnam - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) - Mobile electronic commerce or m-commerce is soon set to take off in Vietnam thanks to the increasing number of mobile phones and rapid internet development, experts have predicted. According to a report by Google Vietnam, mobile devices have driven a major shift in consumer behavior.
It said a Vietnamese on average picks up and looks at their mobile phone 150 times a day, or more than 10 times an hour. Furthermore, more people under 35 now use smartphones than computers. This has a tremendous impact on m-commerce since users are seeking specific information and content.
On the sidelines of a recent conference on m-commerce held in HCM City, Nitin Gajria, Vietnam country manager for Google, said he is really optimistic about m-commerce in the country.
According to MasterCard’s latest mobile shopping survey, more than 51 percent of Vietnamese participating in the survey made purchases using their smartphones last year, up from 45.2 percent in 2014.
Clothes and fashion accessories, gifts and toys and mobile apps are the most mobile shopping purchases.

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