Putin chairs annual press conference in Moscow

(VOVworld) – Russian President Vladimir Putin held an annual press conference in Moscow on Thursday with the participation of more than 1,300 Russian and international journalists. In this 9th such annual conference, President Putin answered reporters’ questions about many important and pressing issues of Russia and the world.
Putin chairs annual press conference in Moscow - ảnh 1
President Putin was speaking at the press conference in Moscow. Photo: internet
Regarding the Russian relationship with Ukraine, President Putin reiterated that Russia’s decision to invest 15 billion USD to buy Ukrainian bonds and reduce gas prices for Ukraine came from Russia’s desire to help neighboring countries in difficulties. He stressed that this is not a price Russia is paying for Ukraine for not signing an agreement establishing a free trade area with the European Union. Putin assured the west that Russia has not approved a decision to deploy tactical Iskander-M missiles in Kaliningrad province adjacent to several NATO countries. Regarding other international issues, Putin said Russia has contributed significantly to settling many burning and prolonged international issues, including the crisis in Syria and Iran’s disputed nuclear program. About the performance of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s administration, President Putin said the current Russian government is very professional and effective and it is unnecessary to make any personnel changes in the cabinet. He pledged stronger efforts against corruption in state agencies with some specific measures including requirements that civil servants make public their incomes and not open foreign bank accounts nor own real estate abroad.

