Red River delta - Thai Binh TechDemo 2013 opens

(VOVworld) - The Ministry of Science and Technology and Thai Binh provincial people’s committee have launched a demonstration on matching technological supply and demand in the Red River Delta.

Red River delta - Thai Binh TechDemo 2013 opens  - ảnh 1
(photo for illustration: Quang Quyet/VNA)

Minister of Science and Technology Nguyen Quan was addressing the launching ceremony of the Red River Delta-Thai Binh TechDemo 2013 on Thursday: “This is part of our effort to promote technological application and transfer between businesses and communities to boost production competitiveness. This is an opportunity for businesses and research institutes to get connected and place technological orders at management agencies and scientific organizations at home and abroad.”
The matching program involves 65 domestic and foreign entities displaying technology in machinery, automation, agriculture and bio-technology. 16 contracts have been signed worth more than 147 billion dong.

