Revised law against human trafficking enables Vietnam’s better enforcement of international treaties

(VOVWORLD) -The National Assembly on Monday discussed the revised draft Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking, which has received much public attention.  
Revised law against human trafficking enables Vietnam’s better enforcement of international treaties - ảnh 1Scene of the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly. Photo:

Deputies agreed on the necessity and major contents of the draft law revision, saying that it supplements important principles and policies on preventing and combating human trafficking and affirms the humanitarian policy of the Party and State.

Deputy Trinh Thi Tu Anh, representing Lam Dong province, said: “The comprehensive revision has contributed to better accomplishing Vietnam's membership responsibilities to international treaties. Vietnam has the responsibility to comply with and implement international treaties on this issue conscientiously and in good faith. This draft law has built a system of articles and clauses regulating the rights of victims, receiving, verifying and protecting victims and their relatives."

"This shows superiority of the revised version compared to the original 2011 Law in protecting human rights and delivering on commitments to which Vietnam is a member," she said. 

Deputy Tran Thi Nhi Ha of Hanoi suggested that the draft law clearly stipulate the participants and forms of communications and education on human trafficking prevention.

“The draft law needs to stipulate the inclusion of mandatory education on human trafficking in curriculum of schools in mountainous and border areas so that students will be able to identify risks and take measures to protect themselves and those around them,” Ha added. 

Other topics of discussions included the act of buying and selling fetuses, gender equality, responsibilities of relevant parties in preventing and combating human trafficking.

Also on Monday morning, the National Assembly passed the revised Law on Organization of the People's Courts.

