Revising the Administrative Procedure Code

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies debated the revised Administrative Procedure Code on Tuesday at the on-going 10th session of the 13th NA. The law mainly deals with people’s complaints towards administrative decisions and activities of authorized agencies.

Revising the Administrative Procedure Code - ảnh 1
The revised law must guarantee transparency, publicity, equality, and impartiality between people and authorized agencies at the court and in line with the 2013 Constitution.
Tran Du Lich, a deputy of Ho Chi Minh city, says: “The procedural process must ensure fairness between people and administrative agencies. The revised Administrative Procedural Law and the Civil Procedural Law must be compatible. Procuracy agencies have to equally handle civil and administrative procedure cases to protect people’s administrative rights.”
The revised Administrative Procedure Code is expected to be adopted at this National Assembly session.
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