Rotterdam, HCM City to work on climate change

(VOV) – The Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee held a meeting on Tuesday to review the program “Ho Chi Minh city moving toward the sea with climate change adaptation”.

Rotterdam, HCM City to work on climate change - ảnh 1
The impacts of climate change        Source:

At the meeting, a Memorandum of Understanding about cooperation in climate change adaptation until 2015 was signed between Ho Chi Minh city and Holland’s Rotterdam city. Over the past year, the two sides issued a common data base and a strategy for Ho Chi Minh city’s adaptation to climate change plan until 2100. The program has helped Ho Chi Minh city staff learn about climate change adaptation  from Netherland’s experts in this field. Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Nguyen Huu Tin said: "The two cities need to do research on cooperation, building and implementation of the water management project in Ho Chi Minh city from 2015 to 2025, enhancing cooperation in climate change response in different periods, developing infrastructure in water drainage and management of the city’s river system. The cooperation between Ho Chi Minh city and Rotterdam city will be the basis for developing a long-term and sustainable strategic partnership between Vietnam and Holland".

The two cities also encouraged cooperation between agencies, schools, and research institutes in implementing a strategy to adapt to climate change integrated with infrastructure planning and capacity building in this field.

