Russia and US restoring bilateral relations, Kremlin says

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will talk to US President Donald Trump by phone on Tuesday, said Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov on Monday. 
Russia and US restoring bilateral relations, Kremlin says - ảnh 1 US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin
(Photo: Getty Images/Reuters)

He said Russia and the US are in the process of restoring bilateral relations and re-establishing dialogue mechanisms at various levels. The phone call between President Putin and President Trump is a significant step.

In a related development, President Putin issued a decree authorizing US hedge fund 683 Capital Partners to acquire the securities of Russian companies owned by a dozen other Western financial entities, including Jane Street, Templeton Asset Management, Franklin Advisers, and Carrhae Capital.

The decree gave two Russian companies, Cepheus-2 and Modern Real Estate Funds, permission to acquire securities owned by 683 Capital Partners without the need for additional authorization from Putin.

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