Russia maintains gas deliveries to Europe

(VOVWORLD) - Russia maintained gas flows through key pipeline routes into Europe on Monday, despite uncertainty over payment terms and as the EU called for more sanctions against Moscow amid the armed conflict in Ukraine.

Russia maintains gas deliveries to Europe  - ảnh 1Inside the Bovanenkovo gas processing facility on Yamal Island, Russia. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

Russia’s gas giant Gazprom said it was continuing to supply natural gas to Europe via Ukraine at the request of European consumers.

But future supply is in question in light of the Kremlin's demand that buyers start paying Gazprom in rubles.

President Putin signed a decree on Monday introducing visa restrictions for citizens from "unfriendly countries," a decision made in retaliation to hostile measures taken by the European Union.

According to the decree, which took effect Monday, Russia will partially suspend its simplified visa agreements with EU member countries plus Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein.

Russia’s TASS news agency quoted Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin as saying that Moscow plans to end its ban on flights to and from 52 countries beginning Saturday, resuming flights to and from Argentina, South Africa, and other friendly countries (referring to nations which have not imposed economic sanctions on Russia).

