Russia urges UN to approve Ukrainian cease-fire

(VOVworld) – Moscow has urged the UN Security Council to call for a cease-fire in Ukraine during the delivery of Russian humanitarian aid, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

Russia urges UN to approve Ukrainian cease-fire  - ảnh 1

A truck driver from the Russian aid convoy stands in the Russian inspection zone inside a border control point with Ukraine in the Russian town of Donetsk, Rostov-on-Don region, Russia. (Photo: AP)

The ministry added that Moscow welcomes an agreement to transport emergency aid to south-eastern Ukraine via the Izvarino – Lugansk route, after tremendous by the Ukrainian government, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and other foreign partners.
2 ICRC trucks carrying relief aid passed all security checks and entered Ukraine on Thursday. Rayan Faruskin, of Russia’s Southern Customs Directorate, said the first 4 trucks of Russia’s humanitarian aid convoy are going through Ukraine customs.

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