Russian and France hold different views on the Syria crisis


Russia stood firm in the face of growing international pressure for tougher action over Syria , rejecting military intervention and questioning sanctions as fears of civil war grew.

Russian and France hold different views on the Syria crisis  - ảnh 1
Vladimir Putin (L) spoke after a meeting with France’s President Francois Hollande

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who met separately with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande on Friday, warned the situation in Syria was "extremely dangerous" and said he saw emerging signs of a civil war.

But he struck a fiery tone in a joint press conference with Hollande, saying "sanctions hardly ever work in an efficient manner" and indicating that Bashar al-Assad's departure would not in itself resolve the crisis.

French President Hollande kept up the pressure for decisive action, insisting that Assad's departure was "a prerequisite for a political transition" and that "there must be sanctions" against his regime.

