S. Korean gov't says to keep Kaesong Industrial Complex open

The South Korean government said Saturday that it will not change the policy of keeping the Kaesong Industrial Complex open. “Threat by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to shut down the Kaesong Industrial Complex does nothing helpful to the development of the Kaesong Industrial Complex and relationship between the north and south Korea," the government reiterated after the North  declared a "state of war" with South Korea and threatened to shut down the industrial complex earlier Saturday.

S. Korean gov't says to keep Kaesong Industrial Complex open - ảnh 1

North Korea’s threats are seen as efforts to provoke the new government in Seoul, led by President Park Geun-hye, to change its policies toward Pyongyang.

Pyongyang threatened to shut down the jointly run Kaesong industrial park, expressing anger over media reports suggesting the complex remained open because it was a source of hard currency for the impoverished North. South Korea’s Unification Ministry responded by calling the North Korean threat “unhelpful” to the countries’ already frayed relations and vowed to ensure the safety of hundreds of South Korean managers who cross the border to their jobs in Kaesong. 2012 was a strong year for companies operating in the inter-Korean economic project zone.  Economic output was estimated at $470 million.


