Saudi Arabia, UAE say OPEC+ not involved in politics

(VOVWORLD) - The energy ministers of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates said on Tuesday that OPEC and its partners (OPEC+) should not engage in politics. 
Saudi Arabia, UAE say OPEC+ not involved in politics - ảnh 1OPEC Head Quarters in Vienna, Austria  (photo: AFP/ VNA)

At a wider group meeting in Dubai, Energy Minister of the UAE Suhail Al-Mazrouei said they cannot be politicising or bringing politics into the organisation for debate.

They don’t take a side or assess political issues. OPEC+ cannot be forced to expel some of its partners because it will lead to an oil price hike in international markets.

Saudi energy minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman that when they get into a meeting room, everybody leaves their politics outside the door. They care about common interests and will not intervene in political issues.
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