Seminar praises female business leadership

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) hosted a seminar in Hanoi on Tuesday praising Vietnamese female business leadership. A recent VCCI survey reported that female leaders outnumber male leaders (51% to 49%). Women’s greater fear of short-term risks gives them the proper attitude for sustainable business development.

Seminar praises female business leadership - ảnh 1
Every year, VCCI presents the "Golden Rose" awards to outstanding female business leaders. (Photo: VOV)

Female entrepreneurs, however, face a number of gender preconceptions which hinder them from starting businesses. Participants agreed that gender equality is the key to promoting female leadership.

Economist Pham Chi Lan said: “In the future, our institutions need to be reformed toward greater transparency and openness so that opportunities are equally open to everyone. These equal opportunities will motivate women to rise by their own efforts and talents to win social acknowledgement.”
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