Special envoy Kofi Annan seeks Iran’s help in Syria issue

The UN and Arab League special envoy, Kofi Annan flew into Tehran on Monday, after completing his visit to Syria, to seek help from Iran to end the 16-month crisis in Syria. The Arabic-language Al-Alam channel, quoting Annan’ spokesman Ahmad Fawzi, as saying that Annan wants to discuss with Iran ways of ending the violence in Syria, a close regional ally of Iran. Annan will hold talks with Iran's Supreme National Security Council Secretary Saeed Jalili and hold a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Saheli. Annan reiterated that Iran plays an important role in ending the bloodshed in Syria. However, Annan said he could not invite Iran to attend the “Friends of Syria” meeting in Geneva at the beginning of this month, because of US’s protests.

Special envoy Kofi Annan seeks Iran’s help in Syria issue - ảnh 1
Annan meets Syrian President (Source: Reuters)

