Spring meeting of Vietnamese community in Japan

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnamese Association in Japan co-organized a meeting for Vietnamese people living and working there. Ambassador Doan Xuan Hung said the Vietnam – Japan relationship has been raised to a strategic partnership. 2013 has been declared Vietnam – Japan Friendship Year. Various events will be held to mark 40th years of bilateral diplomatic ties including a Vietnamese Festival in Tokyo, a Vietnam meeting in Nagoya, a Vietnamese antiques exhibition at Kyushyu national museum, and an array of activities in Osaka and Fukuoka.

Spring meeting of Vietnamese community in Japan  - ảnh 1
Primary school pupils in Shibuya province at a Vietnam-Japan cultural exchange (photo: VNA)

The Ambassador hoped that Vietnamese people in Japan will get involved in organizing these events, building a consolidated community, and boosting bilateral friendship. The Vietnamese Association introduced its website at the meeting. Phan Huu Duy Quoc, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Association, said the website will be a useful contact channel for overseas Vietnamese and facilitate the Association’s activities. "The Association aims to build a united and successful community. We will try to connect Vietnamese people scattered across Japan, so that they can share and support each other," Quoc says.

The Association will focus on teaching the Vietnamese language to Vietnamese born in Japan to help them maintain a bond with the homeland.

