State Secretary John Kerry makes unannounced visit to Afghanistan

(VOVworld) - US Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Afghanistan Friday for urgent talks with Afghan leaders about soon completing a bilateral security deal that would allow American troops to remain in Afghanistan after the end of the NATO-led military mission next year.

Kerry met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai to speed up negotiations so deal can be reached by the end of the month as the US expects. There remained disagreements but they were narrowed. 

State Secretary John Kerry makes unannounced visit to Afghanistan - ảnh 1
US Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Oct.11, 2013. (Photo: Reuters)
The two had another meeting on Saturday. The US planned to withdraw the majority of its 57,000 troops stationed in Afghanistan and retain 8,000 to 10,000 troops alongside several military bases after 2014. However, negotiations on terms for these remaining US soldiers have faced deadlock as the US demands immunity for its troops and contractors in Afghanistan.
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