Students, postgraduates granted with mathematics scholarships

(VOVworld) – More than 500 students and postgraduates across the country have been granted with scholarships under the national key program of the development of Mathematics in Vietnam.

Students, postgraduates granted with mathematics scholarships  - ảnh 1
Authors of mathematics works and outstanding students and pupils are honored.

About 80 mathematics works which had been publicized on international mathematics journals over the past two years were rewarded at a ceremony on Saturday. Besides, more than 400 scholarships were presented to students and secondary pupils with worth more than 750 USD each.
Pham Tuan Huy, 12th grader specializing in mathematics of Ho Chi Minh City’s National University, shares his feeling to receive the award: “Each of us has different ways to learn mathematics, but we all find creativeness in math infinite. Examples set by our teachers and the predecessors have inspired us. This scholarship is a great encouragement for us. We promise to do the utmost to become useful citizens.”


