Syrian National Coalition absent from Syrian talks in Moscow

(VOVworld) – Representatives of the Syrian government and several opposition groups met in Moscow on Monday to seek an end to the 4-year conflict in Syria. The Syrian National Coalition, Syria's main political opposition group, was absent from the talks.

Syrian National Coalition absent from Syrian talks in Moscow - ảnh 1
All parties in Syria are seeking an end to the 4-year conflict  (photo: reuters)

It also stayed away from the first round of talks in January. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Moscow was not too disappointed about the group’s absence, saying the talks attracted a bigger majority of Syria’s opposition groups than previous talks. He emphasized that the talks need the involvement of all parties in Syria, including the government and all opposition groups. Lavrov said any decision related to the state of Syria must be approved by all its citizens.

Russia has performed its mission of brokering Syrian talks since last September, following visits to Moscow by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem and prominent opposition figure Ahmad Moaz al-Khatib. Moscow also brokered the first round of talks between the Syrian government and opposition groups.

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