Teachers should feature good ethics

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese government always considers education the top priority which plays a strategic role in fostering national industrialization and modernization. While attending a new school year opening ceremony on Tuesday at Bui Thi Xuan High School in Da Lat city, Lam Dong province, President Truong Tan Sang said comprehensive educational reform is an urgent task to serve Vietnam’s renewal process and national defense. He urged the educational sector to fulfill this tough but glorious task.

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President Truong Tan Sang delivers a speech at Bui Thi Xuan High School. (Photo: VOV)

Sang said: "Teachers and students of Bui Thi Xuan High School must exert efforts to maintain the institution’s vanguard role in the emulation movement of Lam Dong provincial education sector. Each teacher and manager of the school must embrace good politic qualities and ethics and be innovative in their career. They should be bright examples of morality, self-reliance, creativity, and devotion to beloved students. Meanwhile each student has to be confident and creative and overcome difficulties to study well. Their duty is to meet the desire of parents, teachers, and society to be virtuous and talented owner of Vietnam’s future".    

The President urged the authorities and all people to pay special attention to education and create favorable conditions for children to access the best learning environment. Sang beat the drum to open a new school year and presented gifts to the school and disadvantaged children.

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President  Truong Tan Sang beats the drum to open a new school year. (Photo: VOV)

