The Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption holds 2nd working session

 (VOVworld)-Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong has chaired the 2nd meeting of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption in Hanoi.

The Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption holds 2nd working session - ảnh 1
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong

During the meeting on Tuesday, members discussed the committee’s work plan and regulation as well as roles and functions of members. Addressing the closing session, Party General Secretary Trong said the drafting of a work regulation must reflect Party’s documents, Politbureau’s resolution and in compliance with the law. He asked the steering committee to focus on corruption and wastefulness prevention. He comments on work plan for this year:“We need to focus on institutional and law building, communications and speeding up the settlement of delayed cases. The Party Central Committee’s Internal Affairs Commission must has a sufficient work regulation and its cooperation mechanism with the Party organizations of the police force, people’s supreme procuracy and court, especially in transparency and asset declaration.”

