The world welcomes UNSC adoption of a peace plan for Syria


The world welcomes UNSC adoption of a peace plan for Syria  - ảnh 1
UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan

The UN Security Council on Wednesday unanimously endorsed proposals presented to Syria by Kofi Annan, the international envoy attempting to end a year of Syrian violence. Annan’s six-point proposal includes ending all violence and human rights violations, securing humanitarian access, and facilitating a peaceful transition to a democratic, political system. Russia and China have voiced support for the plan.

The international community has welcomed the UN Security Council’s adoption of a peace plan for Syria. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that the Security Council sent a clear message to Syria to end all violence and for a dialogue to start between the country’s government and the opposition. Li Baodong, China's representative to the UN, said that China calls on the international community to support the mediation efforts by Annan, and create favorable conditions for his work. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also welcomed the statement and warned that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad will face with pressures if he does not follow the peace plan immediately.

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