Three northern key economic localities agree on “Sharing-Consensus-Mutual development” principle

(VOVWORLD) - Leaders of 3 localities in the northern key economic region  met in Hai Duong on Sunday to find solutions to support each other in economic development until 2025.
Three northern key economic  localities agree on “Sharing-Consensus-Mutual development” principle - ảnh 1Leaders of Hai Duong, Quang Ninh, and Hai Phong sign the "Sharing-Consensus-Mutual development" agreement on March 13, 2022.

Representatives from Hai Phong city, Hai Duong, and Quang Ninh province agreed that their future cooperation should be based on the principle of "Sharing-Consensus-Mutual development" to further promote their role as growth drivers of the region.

They underscored the need to connect trade and economic zones, and industrial parks. Tourism routes along the Hanoi-Hai Phong Highway and nearby cultural spaces will be developed into tourism product chains. 

They will work to seek UNESCO’s recognition of the Yen Tu-Con Son-Kiep Bac Relics and Landscape Complex and Ha Long Bay-Cat Ba Archipelago as world heritages.

Nguyen Xuan Ky, Secretary of Quang Ninh province’s Party Committee, said, “The 3 localities have prioritized cooperation to complete a transportation infrastructure system that will ensure regional and intra-regional connectivity, develop society and culture in accordance with our historical and cultural values, and improve linkages to serve a stronger digital economy.”

