Tuyen Quang- Capital of Liberation Zone in August Revolution

(VOVworld)- On Saturday, the Communist Review and Tuyen Quang Provincial Party Committee held a workshop to highlight the historical significance of the August Revolution.

Tuyen Quang- Capital of Liberation Zone in August Revolution - ảnh 1

The participants agreed that the August Revolution is a symbol of national unity and reflects the Vietnamese people’s strong will, stance and wisdom. They emphasized the important role of Tuyen Quang as the Capital of the Liberation Zone in  the August Revolution. Major General Doctor Vu Quang Dao is former Director of Vietnam Military History Institute: “History has proved wisdom and talent of President Ho Chi Minh and the Party Central Committee in deciding to choose Tan Trao as venue to launch a general uprising. Tuyen Quang province has contributed greatly to the national liberation struggles against French colonialists and then American aggressors”.

