Ukrainian opposition proposes cease-fire

(VOVworld) – Leaders of the opposition forces in eastern Ukraine proposed a cease-fire Thursday based on the peace plan announced earlier by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Ukrainian opposition proposes cease-fire  - ảnh 1
A Ukrainian armoured convoy ambushed by opposition forces. (Photo: AP)

According to the Interfax news agency, leaders of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk have proposed a security zone divided into 5 areas, each supervised by 40 observers of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. They promised to establish a humanitarian corridor to deliver aid to refugees as part of the proposed cease-fire to “restore stability and end violence.”
Putin proposed a 7-point peace plan for Ukraine under which parties involved must stop "any offensive military operations” and Ukraine’s armed units must pull back to a distance at which they can't fire shells at communities. Putin also asked for full and impartial international control over the terms of the ceasefire and monitoring of the situation. He also urged an end to the use of military aircraft against civilians and an exchange of all hostages. Humanitarian corridors also should be opened to permit delivery of aid to communities in Donetsk and Lugansk and workers should get access so they can rebuild the infrastructure of damaged cities.

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