Ukrainian President proposes new talk with the contact group to solve crisis

(VOVworld)- Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko during a telephone conversation with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton said Ukraine had proposed a venue for the next meeting of the Ukraine-Russia-OSCE contact group to settle the situation in the eastern part of the country.

Ukrainian President proposes new talk with the contact group to solve crisis - ảnh 1
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (Photo: Reuters)

According to report of the Ukrain President’s news agency, Mr Poroshenko committed to continue with deals reached in Berlin, Germany between Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine, adding that Kiev is ready for the next meeting of Russia, Ukraine and the European Union, which is scheduled to take place today on July 5th. The report also highlighted that Mrs Ashon on behalf of 28 EU member countries expressed her support for President Pososhenkos’s efforts in trying to stop the cease-fire.

