UN chief asks countries to put peace at center of actions

(VOVWORLD) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday called on all countries to put peace at the center of all their words and actions.
UN chief asks countries to put peace at center of actions - ảnh 1UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

In his New Year video message, the UN chief said “We need peace with one another, through dialogue to end conflict, and peace with nature and climate, to build a more sustainable world”.

Peace is also needed within families and households, so women and girls can live in dignity and safety, Guterres said, as well as peace online.

People from Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Congo, and elsewhere, have left the ruins of their homes and lives in search of something better, Guterres said.

More than 100 million people have fled violence, wildfires, drought, poverty, and hunger, he said, calling on people to make 2023 a year when peace is restored to lives, homes, and the world.   

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