UN Resident Coordinator backs Vietnam’s priorities

(VOVWORLD) - Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, permanent representative of Vietnam to the UN, has called on the UN to continue to support Vietnam in technology transfer, experience and knowledge sharing, and policy recommendations to strengthen its socio-economic development.
UN Resident Coordinator backs Vietnam’s priorities - ảnh 1Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN (R), welcomes UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam Pauline Tamesis. (Photo: VOV)

At Tuesday’s reception in New York for Pauline Tamesis, resident coordinator of the UN in Vietnam, Giang said Vietnam and the UN share the same goals and need to step up co-operation in areas of mutual interest.

Ambassador Giang briefed Tamesis on what Vietnam will promote at the UN in the near future: education, disease prevention, climate change response, and energy transition.

Tamesis praised Vietnam’s contributions to UN activities and its efforts to uphold multilateralism and multilateral co-operation, calling Vietnam a model of cooperation with the UN.

Tamesis said Vietnam should continue to support reforming the UN’s development system and actively participate in making policies and plans for further socio-economic development.




