UNHRC approves Vietnam’s human rights report

(VOVworld) - The UN Human Rights Council (UN HRC) has approved Vietnam’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on human rights in the second cycle, acknowledging the country’s progress in protecting and promoting fundamental human rights.

UNHRC approves Vietnam’s human rights report - ảnh 1

Addressing a UNHRC session in New York on Friday, Ambassador Nguyen Trung Thanh, head of the Vietnamese delegation, noted that Vietnam had a frank and constructive dialogue with 106 countries during the 18th session of the working group on UPR on February 5, 2014, and received a total of 227 recommendations. Ambassador Thanh announced that Vietnam has accepted 182 out of 227 recommendations or 80.17% – a high rate of acceptance showing the country’s openness and determination to protect and promote human rights. The accepted recommendations stem from Vietnam’s consistent policy and commitments on human rights to the international community, especially the voluntary commitments of the country as a Human Rights Council member. Vietnam has pledged to strengthen policies, measures and resources to promote and protect people’s economic, cultural, social, political and civil interests, meeting international standards.

During the dialogue session, representatives of many countries and international organizations praised Vietnam’s efforts and achievements in ensuring human rights as well as its acceptance of most of the recommendations and constructive attitude. They also hailed Vietnam’s National Assembly for approving the 2013 Constitution, which promotes human rights and congratulated Vietnam for achieving many millennium development goals early.

In response to some opinions by a number of NGOs, which refused Vietnam’s human rights achievements, the Vietnamese representative reiterated that Vietnam will continue to promote human rights and increase constructive dialogue and cooperation with other countries and international organizations, particularly UN human rights mechanisms.

