Updated edition of Perfect Spy Pham Xuan An released

(VOVworld) – The updated edition of the ‘Perfect Spy X6’ written by Larry Berman made it debut in Hanoi on Tuesday.

Updated edition of Perfect Spy Pham Xuan An released - ảnh 1

Professor Larry Berman signs copies of the new edition of his book about legendary spy Pham Xuan An for delegates and readers during the book launch in Hanoi. (Photo: VOV)

In 2007, the book ‘Perfect Spy – The Incredible Double Life of Pham Xuan An’ was first published, shaking both the Vietnamese and American public. The latest version of the book is an honest and vivid vision of the thrilling but dangerous life of the intelligence agent Pham Xuan An.

Many of the secrets told by spy An to Berman have been revealed in this new book. More particularly, a letter from Ms Thu Nhan, An’s wife sent to Berman, is made public. Also included in this book are interviews and articles by An’s colleagues. Professor Larry Berman says: “I’m so happy and pleased that Vietnamese audiences like the book. It brings me great pride and I also think that I honor the dream of Pham Xuan An because not only Vietnamese will read the book but Americans and people around the world read the book as well. I think through Pham Xuan An’s stories the world can learn not only about the war, but peace, and come to understand Pham Xuan An. I dream that this story can be turned into a movie of the X6 Pham Xuan An’s life, the war, and peace.

Pham Xuan An who was born in 1927 in Bien Hoa in the southern province of Dong Nai died in 2006. During his life as a secret agent, major-general An whose alias was, X6 worked for the intelligence group H63. He was a strategic spy and played an important role in the resistance war against the American invaders. He used to be a reporter for Reuters, Time magazine, and the New York Herald Tribune and received many honors from US politicians and the media.

Updated edition of Perfect Spy Pham Xuan An released - ảnh 2

Professor Larry Berman takes photos with the organizing board and readers. (Photo: VOV)

The book is published by First News and translated by Do Hung.

