Urgent response to avian flu discussed online

(VOVworld) – The A/H5N1 epidemic has struck 11 provinces in Vietnam, reported an online conference on Tuesday which discussed urgent measures against the spreading A/H5N1 virus and a possible outbreak of A/H7N9.

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Deputy PM Hoang Trung Hai proposes hourly updates on bird flu. (Photo: VOV)

Pham Van Dong, Head of the Animal Health Department, confirmed that the H7N9 virus has not yet been detected in poultry, the environment, or humans in Vietnam, but an outbreak in China’s Guangxi province, which borders Vietnam to the north, poses a high risk of viral infection for Vietnam.

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Vaccinating poultry is a viable solution. (Photo: VOV)

The Department called on localities to closely monitor developments in Vietnam and neighboring countries, check poultry and people crossing the border, and regularly take samples from poultry of unknown origin for early pathogen detection. Addressing the online conference, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai urged the National Steering Committee for Bird Flu Prevention and Control and relevant central and local bodies to be proactive.

Hai told the conference: "We need stronger measures. It’s a must to keep a tight rein on the plague among poultry and protect human health. I’d like to ask for more communications about bird flu in localities and frequent updates of the situation."

Vietnam will launch a month-long campaign of urgent hygiene, sterilization, and disinfection beginning this Saturday.

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