US expresses concern over strained China-Japan relationship

(VOVworld) - The commander of US forces in the Pacific, Admiral Samuel Locklear, has expressed concern over the deteriorating relationship between China and Japan, who have been squabbling over the island of Senkaku, known as Diaoyu in Chinese.

US expresses concern over strained China-Japan relationship - ảnh 1
US Commander in the Pacific, Admiral Samuel Locklear.
 Photo: internet

At a press briefing at the Pentagon, Admiral Locklear warned of the grave risk posed by two countries with large military forces who refuse to talk or seek a diplomatic solution. Admiral Locklear made his remarks one day after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spoke on the sidelines of the Davos Forum in Switzerland, comparing the tense Japanese-Chinese relationship with the one between the UK and Germany just before the 1st World War. A Japanese spokesperson said Abe had not meant that war was unavoidable. Abe said trust is the basic foundation for preventing war and frequent information exchanges between the two countries’ armies would be helpful.

