US military mission in Afghanistan will end by August 31

(VOVWORLD) - US President Joe Biden said Thursday the US military mission in Afghanistan will end by August 31, and called on Afghanistan’s leaders to “come together” to prevent civil war. 
US military mission in Afghanistan will end by August 31 - ảnh 1US President Joe Biden (Photo: Bloomberg)

President Biden said the troop withdrawal speed is safe as the US wraps up its 20-year-old war in Afghanistan. He said the ideal conditions the US promised Afghanistan 20 years ago have not been realized, but he believes the Afghan military, trained by the US for 2 decades, can protect their country from the Taliban.

President Biden pledged that the US, not abandoning its commitment to make Afghanistan stable and safe, will continue to provide humanitarian aid and security for Afghanistan. Mr. Biden rejected the idea that the US must take responsibility for Afghan casualties in the Afghan war.

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