US ready for direct talks with Iran

 US ready for direct talks with Iran  - ảnh 1
Iran's president, Hassan Rouhani: 'If the Americans demonstrate, both in words and actions that they are not irrational, then they would find Iranians benevolent, rational, and ready to engage.' Photo: AP

(VOVworld)- The White House on Thursday said that US President Barack Obama may meet Iranian President Hassan Rowhani in New York next week on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting. The decision was encouraged by Iranian President’s commitment not to produce nuclear weapons. White House Spokesperson Jay Carney said that if Tehran is serious about the commitment, Obama is ready to hold talks with Rowhani when the two attend the UN General Assembly session next week in New York. According to Carney, since his first Presidential election campaign in 2008, Obama has vowed to be ready for direct talks if Iran will give up its nuclear ambition. Meanwhile, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon applauded recent announcements by the Iranian leader, saying that it reflects Tehran’s desire for a peaceful dialogue and a resolution of its nuclear issues.

