US says it will make Syria pay the price

US says it will make Syria pay the price  - ảnh 1
US secretary of state John Kerry delivers remarks on Syria at the State Department in Washington. (Photo: Shawn Thew/EPA)

(VOVworld) - US President Barack Obama has affirmed that he will make Syria pay the price. He also confirmed that he is considering a limited-narrow act after US intelligence affirmed Syria’s attack using chemical weapons last week killed more than 1,400 civilians. Although Obama announced he has not yet made a final decision, he referred to a possible attack using missiles launched from warships targeting Syria’s command centers. Obama called Syria’s attack a challenge to the world, threatening US’s national security and its allies, including Israel, Turkey, and Jordan, as well as increasing the risk of chemical weapons falling into the hands of terrorists.

Earlier, US Secretary of Sate John Kerry announced a US intelligence report on Syria’s use of chemical weapons last week. Kerry affirmed that more than 1,400 Syrians, including 400 children, were killed in the attack. He added that the Syrian government has bombed the attack areas 4 times to clear evidence. Kerry said US intelligence has verified thoroughly all collected information to avoid a similar mistake like the war in Iraq. He said the administration of President Bashar al-Assad possesses the Middle East’s biggest chemical weapon program, and has used chemical weapons against civilians many times this year. He said the US will continue to consult the Congress and its allies on dealing with the Syria issue.


