US-ASEAN ties contribute to regional peace, security, cooperation: Ambassador

(VOVWORLD) -The US-Asia Institute (USAI) has hosted a Lunar New Year reception in Washington D.C. The event was attended by officials from the US government, congress, organizations, and business and representatives from Asian countries. 
US-ASEAN ties contribute to regional peace, security, cooperation: Ambassador - ảnh 1 Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Pham Quang Vinh 

In an opening address, the Institute President Glenn Lau Kee underlined the role of Asia to the US and pledged to support the development of ties between the US and Asia. Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Pham Quang Vinh praised the US’s cooperation with Asian countries, including those from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which he said will substantially contribute to regional peace, security, and development cooperation. He applauded the Institute’s contributions and expected that the Institute will continue to forge closer cooperation with embassies of Asian countries.

Earlier the same day, Ambassador Vinh hosted a reception for Kelly McKeague, Director of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency under the US Department of Defense. They appreciated the development momentum between Vietnam and the US, including cooperation in humanitarian aid and addressing war consequences such as disarming unexploded bombs and mines left over from war, Agent Orange/Dioxin remediation, and search for the remains of US servicemen missing in action during wartime in Vietnam. 

Mr. McKeague said he is scheduled to visit Vietnam later this month to boost bilateral cooperation.

