Venezuelan voters cast ballots for president

Venezuelan voters cast ballots for president  - ảnh 1
Acting President Nicolas Maduro and his supporters in the presidential elections
(Photo: AP)

(VOVworld) – Nearly 14,000 polling stations are ready in Venezuela on Sunday for the country’s presidential election, according to security officials. Speaking after a meeting with the Head of the National Electoral Council, Tibisay Lucena, Strategic Operational Command chief Wilmer Barrientos said that 100 percent of ballot-boxes are installed and have undergone security check for the vote. Barrientos stressed that security forces have carried out all security networks at electoral areas to ensure the safety. Earlier, Venezuela announced the closure of its land borders for one week from April 9th, ahead of the presidential elections. More than 18.9 million Venezuelans will cast their ballots to elect a new president replacing President Hugo Chavez, who died of cancer last month. There are 7 presidential candidates, but just two candidates are front-runners, including Acting President Nicolas Maduro of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela and opposition leader Henrique Capriles of Rountable of Democratic Unity party.

