Vice President presents gifts to poor students in Lao Cai

Vice President presents gifts to poor students in Lao Cai - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan has stressed next year’s task of comprehensive reforms of Vietnam education system. At a ceremony in Lao Cai province on Sunday, Doan urged the province to focus on improving the contingent of educational staff and teachers, who should set examples of self-training for the students. She called on the schools to renovate their teaching methods, facilities and the socialization of education. The Vice President said Lao Cai needs to develop high quality human resources and take better care of disadvantaged students. On this occasion, she presented 50 bicycles and 50 scholarships to poor students in the province and sent condolences to 11 families of flash flood victims in Nam Cham hamlet, Bac Ha district.

