Vietnam aids Cambodia in land and natural resource management

(VOVworld) – A ceremony was held in Phnom Phenh yesterday to hand over results of the first phase of a project to restore and finalize a national height system for Cambodia. The project sponsored by the Vietnamese Government is considered an important base for Cambodia to manage land resources, urban planning and development of irrigation systems and traffic infrastructure. Starting in 2006, the 3-year project is divided into 2 phases. Nguyen Tuan Hung,  director of the Vietnam Measurement and Mapping Department says 'The project aims to help Cambodia re-define the average height of the country’s space against the sea level. The project also reflects the tight multi-faceted friendship and cooperation relations between the two countries'.

Addressing the hand-over ceremony, Im Chhun Lim, Cambodian Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, said that the completion of the national height and co-ordinate network will ensure the exactness of mapping, infrastructure networking and irrigation system for Cambodia’s agriculture which is being hit by climate change.

Phnom Penh – based VOV correspondent

