Vietnam – an ideal place to live: Italy newspaper

Vietnam – an ideal place to live: Italy newspaper  - ảnh 1

(VOV) - Italy’s leading financial daily “The Sun 24 Hours” has described Vietnam as one of the best countries for Italians to live and invest in. This view was mentioned in the newspaper’s long feature.

The two nations have established a strategic partnership which provides a number of benefits for Italians and specifically allow for Italian retirees to live in Vietnam and receive their full retirement pensions.

Despite the negative impact of the global economic downturn, Vietnam’s GDP grew by 5.2% in 2013 and its economy is developing well, the newspaper said

Low prices will attract foreign investors while the Government is drafting revised policies, to allow foreigners to buy houses in the country

The number of international schools in the larger cities of Vietnam are on the rise and are of high quality and safe. The lower living cost can make Italian people who work at Government agencies or companies retire comfortably in Vietnam.

