Vietnam attends 2015 ASEAN People's Forum

Vietnam attends 2015 ASEAN People's Forum - ảnh 1
Vietnam attended the 2015 ASEAN People’s Forum (APF) (Photo:VNA)
(VOVworld) - Vietnam attended the 2015 ASEAN People’s Forum (APF) that opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Wednesday. More than 1,400 delegates attended the even.

Besides plenary sessions and thematic discussions, the delegates also held dialogues with parliamentarians from ASEAN countries and representatives of the Malaysian and Filipino governments.

The Vietnamese delegation include activists from different social organizations active in peace, security, environment, climate change, economics, education, agriculture, immigration, woman and child rights, and labour. Vietnamese delegates chaired and co-chaired several workshops and offered ideas to build the people-centred ASEAN Community by late 2015.

Participants are due to meet government leaders of ASEAN member states next Monday.

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