Vietnam attends IMO in Argentina

Vietnam attends IMO in Argentina - ảnh 1

(VOV) - A group of six Vietnam students, led by Prof. Dr. Sci. Vu Dinh Hoa, is attending the 53th International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), which opened in Mar Del Plata (Argentina) on Monday.

This is the 36th Vietnam has attended to the IMO which involves more than 500 students from 100 countries and territories across the world.  

As scheduled, candidates will compete in two days (July 10-11) and the result will be announced four days later. The IMO is the World Championship Mathematics Competition for High School students aged under 20, which is held in different countries.

Vietnam hosted the IMO for the first time in 2007 and has entered the top ten group of medal winners at international maths contests.

