Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen friendship and cooperation

(VOVworld)-Vietnam and Cambodia have agreed to increase the exchange of high-level visits and work more closely to implement signed agreements. The consensus was reached during talks in Hanoi on Tuesday between Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his visiting Cambodian counterpart Samdech Hun Sen.

Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen friendship and cooperation  - ảnh 1
PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc and PM Hun Sen inspect an honor guard during the welcoming ceremony in Hanoi on December 20

The 2 leaders stressed the need to sign a cross-border trade agreement between Vietnam and Cambodia, and agreed to maintain the principle of prohibiting any hostile force from using one country’s territory to sabotage the other. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said Prime Minister Hun Sen’s visit marks an important milestone, helping to consolidate bilateral friendship and cooperation. Mr. Phuc thanked Cambodia for helping the Vietnamese Cambodian community stabilize their lives.

Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen friendship and cooperation  - ảnh 2
PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc and PM Hun Sen hold talks

Receiving Prime Minister Hun Sen the same day, President Tran Dai Quang affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of supporing the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and Prime Minister Hun Sen. President Quang said he hopes Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Cambodian Royal Government will continue to help prevent extremists from sowing national hatred to sabotage friendship and cooperation between the 2 countries.

During a meeting with the Cambodian Prime Minister, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan lauded the progress in good neighborliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, and durable stability between Vietnam and Cambodia. She said the Vietnamese National Assembly will always stay side by side with the Cambodian People’s Party.  Prime Minister Hun Sen said no hostile forces can divide the relationship between the 2 countries. He pledged continual education on the vital values of the 2 countries over the past years for the younger generations.         

