Vietnam contributes to defense cooperation in ASEAN

Vietnam contributes to defense cooperation in ASEAN  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - A high-ranking military delegation led by Deputy Defence Minister, Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh is participating in the ASEAN Defense Senior Officials Meeting (ADSOM) in Brunei. This event is a preparation for the 7th ASEAN Defense Ministerial Meeting and the 2nd ASEAN Defense Ministerial Meeting Plus (ADMM+). During the meetings, the Vietnamese delegation introduced an initiative to set up an Expert Group to overcome the post-war aftermath of bombs and mines. The initiative aims to help Vietnam and other countries in the region overcome the post-war aftermaths of bombs and mines and contribute to ensuring an environment of peace, stability and development in the region. Delegates have praised Vietnam’s initiative, describing it as a motivation for cooperation within ADMM+ and a practical initiative for people in the region.

