Vietnam contributes to the success of APEC Meeting

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese delegation, led by President Truong Tan Sang, has worked closely with the host Indonesia and other ASEAN members to actively participate in and make remarkable contributions to the 21st Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Meeting.

Vietnam contributes to the success of APEC Meeting - ảnh 1

Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh made the remarks at a press meeting following the conclusion of the two-day APEC Summit in Bali Island on Tuesday. According to Mr. Minh, President Sang officially affirmed that Vietnam will host the 2017 APEC Leaders’ Meeting and the forum’s important activities – a decision receiving the strong support of APEC members, confirming international friends’ high appreciation of Vietnam’s role and prestige. Minister Minh said that during his stay in Bali, President Sang had bilateral meetings with heads of state and leaders of APEC member economies, including the Presidents of Indonesia, China, Russia and Peru, the Sultan of Brunei, the Head of the US delegation, and the Prime Ministers of Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. The bilateral meetings achieved specific results, contributing to deepening Vietnam’s relations with APEC member economies and its partners in the region. Minister Minh noted that leaders of Vietnam and other member economies agreed upon measures to realize and strengthen cooperation, especially their strategic partnership or comprehensive partnership. 

