Vietnam designates July 30th as anti-human trafficking day

(VOVworld) – On Thursday the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Information and Communications announced July 30th would be Vietnam’s Anti-Human Trafficking Day, beginning this year. The day is marked to mobilize all the resources of the political system and all people to prevent human trafficking with the intention of rooting out the crime across Vietnam.

Vietnam designates July 30th as anti-human trafficking day		 - ảnh 1
A human smuggler is arrested. (Photo: VNA)

Major-General Nguyen Phong Hoa of the Ministry of Public Security spoke at the press briefing on the designation: “Since the Prime Minister approved an action plan against human trafficking in 2004, ministries, local authorities, and international organizations have worked closely together in this fight. The designation of Vietnam’s Anti-Human Trafficking Day demonstrates the determination of the government and further public involvement in ensuring social security in general and combating human smuggling in particular.”

The first Anti-Human Trafficking Day will be observed in the northern province of Lao Cai.

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