Vietnam fullfils role as Chair of Veterans Confederation of ASEAN Countries

(VOVWORLD) - The 20th General Assembly of the Veterans Confederation of ASEAN Countries (VECONAC-20) took place via video conference on Wednesday. 
Vietnam fullfils role as Chair of Veterans Confederation of ASEAN Countries - ảnh 1The Veterans’ Association of Vietnam hands over the VECONAC Chairmanship to the War Veterans Organisation of Thailand on December 15, 2021. (Photo:

The event reviewed the implementation of the resolutions issued at the VECONAC-19, considered the ones of the 20th General Assembly, voted on the next Chair, and adopted a joint communique.

Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Duoc, Chairman of the Veterans’ Association of Vietnam, said the Association has fulfilled the assigned duties, including successfully organizing the VECONAC Working Committee meeting on October 20 last year, along with the VECONAC 33rd Executive Board Meeting and the VECONAC-20 on Wednesday.

He handed over the VECONAC Chairmanship for 2022 to Gen. Santasana Nantibhakhirund, Director-General of the War Veterans Organization of Thailand.

VECONAC, established in 1980, is tasked with gathering and promoting efforts by veterans’ associations in Southeast Asia to work for the sake of veterans, including injured ones and their families, thereby contributing to regional and global peace, stability, harmony, and development.

