Vietnam, IAEA strengthen cooperation

(VOVworld) – The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says it will continue its close cooperation and assistance to Vietnam in this sector, particularly nuclear safety and security. IAEA General Director Yukiya Amano made this remark while receiving Ambassador Nguyen Thiep, Vietnam’s permanent representative, who presented his credentials. Amano said that precious lessons learnt from the Fukushima disaster will contribute to Vietnam’s economic growth and sustainable development.

Vietnam, IAEA strengthen cooperation - ảnh 1
Ambassador Nguyen Thiep presenting his credentials (Photo: IAEA)

The Vietnamese Ambassador confirmed Vietnam’s support for IAEA efforts to accelerate the use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and strengthen nuclear safety and security. Thiep expressed Vietnam’s hope for IAEA’s continued assistance in implementing its national nuclear power program that matches international standards.   

