Vietnam joins UN Convention against torture

(VOVworld) – Vietnam is strongly committed to preventing torture and ill-treatment to better fundamental human rights. Ambassador Le Hoai Trung, head of Vietnam’s Permanent Representative Mission to the United Nations, made the remarks after signing the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in New York on Thursday.

Vietnam joins UN Convention against torture  - ảnh 1
Ambassador Le Hoai Trung and UN Sec, Gen. Ban Ki Moon at a meeting in New York. Photo: VNA

The Convention is an international human rights agreement to prevent torture, enhance communications to raise public awareness, develop mechanisms for protecting victims, and increase international cooperation in the field. Trung said the signing by Vietnam is a concrete step towards international integration, affirming that Vietnam is an active and responsible member of the international community. He said joining the convention will help Vietnam refine its legal system to protect its citizens’ fundamental human rights. The UN Convention against Torture has been ratified by 154 nations since it was approved by the UN General Assembly in December 1984.

