Vietnam Youth Federation contributes to 1992 Constitution revisions

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Youth Federation held a meeting in Hanoi to collect opinions on the revision of the 1992 Constitution.
Vietnam Youth Federation contributes to 1992 Constitution revisions - ảnh 1

The 1992 Constitution defined the role, position, and activities of young people in article 66.
But the revised Constitution has excluded this article. Some delegates said it’s necessary to take thorough consideration before removing any article on youth affairs from the Constitution. Thao Thuy Linh, from Yen Bai province, says: "The revision should keep, amend, and supplement article 66 of the 1992 Constitution because it stresses the role of young people in society. The Party’s documents and resolutions say that the youth are an important part of society, representing the nation’s strength. If the youth are strong, the nation is strong. The nation’s power includes the power of the youth. The success of national renewal depends sizably on the youth."

Regarding articles on the right to study and do scientific research, some delegates said the Constitution should clearly stipulate policies to ensure the people’s right to study and do scientific research, considering it a duty of the government. The 1992 Constitution generally acknowledges the right and duty to study and carry out scientific research. They suggested adding regulations on the state management of education, issuing education development strategy and policy, fine tuning the educational system to fit the demand of the people, and generating the best conditions for scientific research and development.

