Vietnamese young intellectuals work toward national sustainable development

(VOVWORLD) - 236 Vietnamese intellectuals aged under 35 met at the second Global Young Vietnamese Intellectual Forum on Wednesday in Hanoi to discuss the role and contribution of young intellectuals to national construction and development. 

At the 3-day forum, they will recommend initiatives and solutions to the Party and State toward the goal of sustainable development. First Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Le Quoc Phong, said: “Each young participant represents a contingent of young intellectuals of their expertise. Excellent expertise, creativity, readiness for global integration, national spirit, and desire to contribute to the nation are strong points of Vietnamese young intellectuals. The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union has the important tasks of mobilizing and bringing into full play Vietnamese young intellectual force. Wherever they are, they can contribute to a prosperous and glorious Vietnam”.

Vietnamese young intellectuals work toward national sustainable development  - ảnh 1Truong Thi Mai, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization, addresses the  second Global Young Vietnamese Intellectual Forum

(Photo: Thu Hang/VOV5)

Truong Thi Mai, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization, expressed her hope that the Vietnamese young intellectuals around the world will continue to propose measures to realize the goal of sustainable development. She said: “The youth is now facing both opportunities and challenges to affirm themselves and contribute to the nation. I hope that Vietnamese young intellectuals around the world will always turn their hearts to the homeland, study, and do their best for the goal of sustainable development and for the future of Vietnam”.

The event focused on four main topics: developing high-quality human resources; protecting the environment and natural resources and effectively responding to climate change; technology and management in a digital economy; and improving productivity and ensuring social equity.

